Happy Spring!

Systems Navigation

Systems Navigators assist people to understand and find their way through health care, community and social service systems.  There are times when people facing life’s challenges do not know what kinds of help are available to them.  Systems Navigators support individuals and families to discover and access appropriate programs and services.

Some examples include:

  • Referrals to Home and Community Care
  • Help finding a medical care provider
  • Linking people to other health care services like mental health counseling or diabetes education
  • Referrals to programs offered at the Health Centre
  • Referrals to community support agencies in the community
  • Referrals and help with forms for Ontario Disability or Ontario Works, etc.
  • Assistance with applications for Unemployment or medication coverage
  • Connection to a social prescription

This list doesn’t cover everything so there may be other things a Systems Navigator can help you with.  If you or a family member are facing a health, social or community challenge, and you don’t know what kind of services to ask for, call to speak with us. The Centre's Systems Navigation services are available to everyone primarily living in Dutton Dunwich and West Elgin Municipalities.

Rural For more information, or to book an intake appointment with a Systems Navigator, please call 519-768-1715 x 2224.

Homelessness, or at Risk of Homelessness, Systems Navigation

If you are a current client of Tanya's please contact Michelle Koyle at 519-631-9350, ext. 7127.

If you are newly at risk of, or are experiencing homelessness, please call 519-631-9350.


Sign-up online

Fill out this application and we will contact you about your interest. (*required)