Our Centre has been serving our communities for 30 years!  

We are committed to fostering a culture of belonging embracing workplace diversity, equity, and inclusion. As supported through the Centre's Strategic Directions, we continually strive to promote a safe and welcoming workplace where discriminatory or oppressive behaviours are not tolerated. This committment inspires us to take purposeful action to support each other with dignity and respect and to be empowered to drive change through our vision of vibrant and caring communities, people, and workplace. This vision is aligned with our values of compassion, excellence, collaboration, accountability, respect and equity.

Job Postings

Finance and Operations Director - Full-Time Professional Opportunity

Mental Health Therapist - Full-Time Professional Opportunity

RN-Diabetes Education Program (Full-Time Contract Employment)

Chiropodist, Full-Time Professional Opportunity

Don't see a current job posting?  We encourage you to submit your resume and cover letter.  Human Resources can be reached at dauterhoff@wechc.on.ca or by telephone at 519-768-1715, Ext. 2204.

We encourage and welcome applications from persons with disabilities and a broad range of cultural, ethnic, racial and gender identities and expression.  Reasonable accommodation will be provided in all phases of the recruitment process.

Did you Know?

In 2021 the Centre received the Elgin Business Resource Centre's Creating Healthy Workplaces award!  We are very proud of our incredible staff for their amazing dedication and strength as this recognition was received during the Covid-19 pandemic.  Our team demonstrates resiliency and flexibility pivoting services to meet the changing needs of our clients and our communities.  And our staff are exceptionally compassionate and supportive of each other! And in 2023, the CMHA awarded the West Elgin Community Health Centre a badge in recognition of our committment to workplace mental health!