Happy Spring!

Your Story

Meet Debra
I have always tried to manage my HR services with this philosophy... to handle yourself, use your head. To support others, use your heart

Working with the Centre for over 7 years, Debra has a strong sense of belonging and immense pride being a part of the West Elgin Community Health Centre. With the ongoing series "Humans of WECHC", Debra is inspired by the outpouring of appreciation for our staff, programs and services. For her, the community feedback speaks volumes about the difference the Centre makes and the vital impact the community health model has on our clients' lives every day.

As a certified HR Leader, Debra embraces the Centre's values and tries to bring joy and kindness to our workplace. She shares that "it's a privilege to walk along side and support such a dedicated and amazing healthcare team". Debra noted that working at the Centre was like coming home as she attended middle school here many, many years ago! Upon reflection Debra simply said "a heartfelt thank you has always been the most precious gift someone can give me".

Outside of work? Soccer, soccer, soccer! Go Manchester United! And, of course, her adorable grandchildren Nolan and Rain who brigthen her days and fill her heart.