Happy Spring!
On-Line Appointment Bookings

We recognize that the work of the West Elgin Community Health Centre takes place across what is now called southwestern Ontario on traditional territories of the Indigenous people who have lived here since time immemorial and have deep connections to these lands. We also acknowledge the local communities which include Chippewas of the Thames First Nation, Oneida Nation of the Thames, Munsee Delaware Nation and Delaware Nation of Moraviantown. We further acknowledge that the area is covered by treaties, agreements and land purchases.

We are grateful for the opportunity to live, meet and work on this territory.  We commit to building allyship relationships with First Nation peoples in order to enhance our knowledge and appreciation of their many histories and voices.   We also commit to sharing and upholding responsibilities to all who now live on these lands, the land itself and the resources that make our lives possible.

The West Elgin Community Health Centre offers primary health care, illness prevention and community programs primarily to Dutton Dunwich and West Elgin municipalities. We care about your physical health, mental health and the health of the entire community.
Partnering with our communities to achieve the best health and wellbeing for all.
Vibrant and Caring Communities, People, and Workplace.
Dynacare Lab Services Closed March 13, 2025
February 27, 2025

Dynacare labs will be closed at the Centre on March 13, 2025. They sincerely apologize for the inconvenience. Alternative location is the Middlesex Hospital Alliance - Four Counties Hospital in Newbury. For a complete list of Dynacare locations, please visit their website at: Dynacare.ca/Find-a-Location ...Read More

The Centre Celebrates 30 Years of Caring
West Elgin CHC