Telling Our Stories

Meet Kristie
July 09, 2024
Meet Rick
July 09, 2024
Meet Stephanie
July 09, 2024

Donation of Good Food Feeds the Soul

Dr. Bond referred a client to the Good Food box program.  Our client receives a free box per month thanks to the generous donations from a few community churches.  The client shared that they cried when they opened the box this month and stated "everything in that box was beyond needed and when you need food, especially food that is nourishing!  So much energy is spent on trying to find ways to get food, worrying about not having food and the stress of knowing that health hurdles are aggravated by that stress and the lack of nutritional food.  Those boxes allow me to exhale for a while... that is just as important as the food itself.  So thank you to all of you!  You are effecting lives in ways that you are not always aware of.  I, for one, am thankful that you are you!"


February 26, 2024
Our Assisted Living Program Shines Bright

My 93 year old mother-in-law has been receiving services from you which has enabled her to stay in her apartment.  Recently she experienced a fall resulting in fractured ribs and was in hospital for a couple of days.  In order to have a successful discharge, it was necessary to make a new plan of care with your program.  It was a pleasure to see how thoroughly and quickly you were able to accommodate her needs.  The communication with you and your staff has been exemplary.  We are so pleased to have her back in her apartment and thankful for all that you do.  Sincerely, JR

February 21, 2024